Our Mission

How We Teach Our Students
Rudance's dance instruction is on a scholastic basis, and degrees of dancing achieved are varied. Instruction progresses through: Student Introductory & Variety Programs, and Associate or Full Programs in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Gold Bar and Gold Star Standards. This system is called the Medalist System and is used worldwide. Courses are designed for people desiring instruction in either Social or Competition Styles. Additionally, Our goal is to help you get out on the floor dancing as soon as possible.

Our Instructors
Our Instructors are carefully selected and trained to bring you the finest in dance instruction. Working together they help you reach any dancing goal through individualized teaching utilizing the latest techniques and styles.

Private Lessons

During your one-on-one private lessons, you will receive personalized instruction that will help you achieve your goals in dancing. Your instructor will spend the time necessary on technique, styling, and general dance improvement. An up-to-date record of everything you have learned will also be kept as part of your instruction.

Group Classes
Group Classes are an important addendum to your private instruction. They give you the opportunity to dance with a variety of partners, develop good dance habits, and meet other students in the studio. In Group Classes we emphasize technique, style, and variation of patterns. You may be taught materials that your regular instructor hasn't introduced to you yet. Additionally, material that hasn't been introduced will be reviewed and practiced for improvement.

Medal Ball

An Bao Ru Medal Ball is a gala dance event honoring students who graduate from one level of their dance program to the next. Medal Balls also afford students the opportunity to enjoy their dancing in a fun and elegant settingse
A Showcase is a one-day event where students present dance routines with personalized choreography. These routines make an exciting addition to your Medalist Program because they allow you to develop showmanship and musical expression along with your social dance skills.

Videotape Studies
This method of instruction often reduces the time it takes to learn. "One picture is worth a thousand words". Video study is quite popular with many students and is included free of charge with any of our programs.

Dance we teach
More Than Great Dancers, Great Dance Teachers! At Farrington ballroom dance school, teachers are specially trained. Our teachers can take you from non-dancer status to a comfortable social dancer, or even to a competitive hobby dancer. You set the goal...we help you achieve it! The choice is yours.

In addition, each personalized lesson is taught step-by-step at your own pace. Bao Ru works hard to make your dancing easy, fun and exciting.

World's Leading Dance Schools! We're teaching the world to dance!

Even if you are an accomplished dancer, take the opportunity to stop by and have one of our certified Instructors show you the newest styles and latest moves.

Mission pic 1



Spring Festival


茹宝舞蹈艺术学校成立于2004年,建校五年来,学校秉承”艺术、健康、价值”的办学宗旨和”舞蹈艺术陶冶情操、舞蹈艺术美化体态、舞蹈艺术塑造人生”的办学理念,在美国纽约成为一所高品质的法拉盛舞蹈学校, 培养出许多优秀的舞蹈艺术人才。


纽约华人2014春节文化盛宴, 茹宝舞蹈艺术学校(Ru Dance NY Ballroom Dance School)2月15日晚間舉辦超级舞蹈派對,纽约地区近200名舞蹈爱好者及其家人、朋友兴高采烈地参加,共同度过一个愉快的夜晚。
国会众议员孟昭文(Grace Meng)和纽约市议员顾雅明(Peter Koo)不克參加,特別致送贺信致意。纽约茹宝舞蹈艺术学校的師生對兩位議員熱情支持華人社區高端文化活動表示感謝。
當天晚上,各界朋友齐聚一堂,欢声笑语,轻舞飞扬,既重温老友情谊,又结识新朋友。 在舞会上舞林高手不仅一展舞姿,而且还观赏世界顶尖水平的拉丁舞专业选手 Emmanuel Pierre-Antoine & Liana Churilova 展示激情四射的舞蹈表演,同時也欣赏茹宝舞蹈艺术学校老师和优秀学生的精彩演出。
春節文化盛宴是纽约茹宝舞蹈艺术学校精心筹划举办的一年一度规模最大,规格最高的舞蹈派对,也是纽约华人社区春节喜庆季节的一大文化盛事,迄今已举办了9年, 今年是第10屆,分别邀请过 Bryan Watson & Carmen, Riccardo & Yulia, Victor Fung & Anastasia, Paul Richardson & Olga, Eugene & Maria, Danny Qilliam & Ieva Pauksena, Emmanuel Pierre-Antoine & Liana Churilova 等世界级舞蹈巨星出席表演, 不仅让舞蹈爱好者有机会近距离欣赏当今世界最高的舞蹈水準和境界,也给纽约的華人传统佳节增添额外的热烈气氛!

Rudance Grand Opening Party on December 28th, 2013

2013 Chinese New Year Party

学校位于美国纽约市皇后区法拉盛,总面积约5000平方英尺,舞蹈教室的各项设施达到国际先进水平,师资力量雄厚,聘请美国及中国优秀的舞蹈老师。 满足英语、国语双语教学并提供国际最流行、最专业的舞蹈学校开设多种舞蹈课程,包括有:LATIN、CHA CHA、RUMBA 、SAMBA、JIVE、PASO DOBLE 、SALSA、TANGO、WALTZ、FOX TROT、QUICK STEP、BALLET、HIP HOP、YOGA 等法拉盛舞蹈班。根据学生舞蹈水平的不同设立初、中、高及专业班,开设私教班,由专业舞蹈老师一对一的舞蹈教学。学校有面向少儿、成人不同年龄段的教学课程。让所有热爱舞蹈的人都能享受到舞蹈艺术到法拉盛舞蹈学校。
纽约茹宝舞蹈艺术学校自2004年在法拉盛创校迄今,一直秉承「艺术、健康、价值」的办学宗旨,和「舞蹈艺术陶冶情操、舞蹈艺术美化体态、舞蹈艺术塑造人生」的办学理念,培养优秀的舞​​蹈艺术人才,同时借着每年新年舞蹈盛会演出,让喜爱舞蹈的人士互相观摩与切磋舞艺,享受快乐的人生。 法拉盛舞蹈-茹宝老师表示,衷心地感谢大家对学校的关怀与厚爱,也希望舞蹈能为大家带来更多的欢乐!让我们在繁忙工作之余暇,享受舞蹈的乐趣,使我们的生活更加美丽健康!不管是舞蹈初学者还是舞场高手,纽约茹宝舞蹈艺术学校都是您最好的选择。
法拉盛舞蹈学校乔迁新址,空间宽大,全新弹簧地板,座位舒适,欢迎您前往参观、学习。 纽约茹宝舞蹈艺术学校地址:132-01 Roosevelt Avenue, 2 Fl, Flushing, NY 11354(天景豪苑Skyview 旁)電話: 718-358-3903。網址:WWW.RUDANCENY.COM,電郵:RUDANCENY@GMAIL.COM。