About Ru

New York Rudance School specializes in teaching students the art of practice in dance performance. The School provides each student with a variety of performance training and practice. Through our programs, the students build up their confidence, performance skills, as well as teamwork skills. Our students actively participate in community activities in Flushing and New York City. We also participate in competitions regularly to sharpen our dance performance skills. At Rudance, the students are encouraged to cultivate their individual talents and to bridge the gaps among different cultures.

Through our Teacher Training Programs, young dancers learn to become ballroom dance instructors accredited by the International Dance Teachers’ Association of Britain. At Rudance one can train to be instructors in Ballroom, Latin, and Classical Sequence genres. Once receiving the accredit, one has the opportunity to work at Rudance or other Ballroom and Latin dance schools around the world.

纽约舞蹈学校 – 茹宝舞蹈艺术学校注重学生的实践教学。学校为每一位学生提供多种多样的实践表演课程,通过舞蹈表演培养每位少儿学生的自信心、舞台表演,以及团队合作精神。我校积极参加纽约社区文化活动并参加美国专业的舞蹈比赛 ,可以增加学分。在这里学生们能够釋放他们的独特能量和天分,成为推动为中美文化艺术交流的新生代

Mr. Ru Bao graduated from Beijing Dance Academy University and became a professional dance teacher in the university. He had been sent overseas by the university and participated in many competitions around the world. Mr. Ru won the highest Chinese Government Prize, the Chinese National Professional Latin Dance Championship, the Southeast Asian Professional Latin Dance Championship, First China “Lotus” Gold Award, Professional Latin Dance Champion, Professional Latin Dance Champion in 2004 in Seattle, and participated International Latin Pro-am competition many times in Unitied States. Mr. Ru has acted as judge for USA and China “Level A” Dance Competition. Today, Mr. Ru is an IDTA and NDCA Professional Dance teacher, a syndic of professor in Beijing dance academy University, and the founder of Asian American Dance Sport Corporation and Ru Dance NY School.


2000年. 茹寶受邀美國大学生比赛 (波士顿哈佛大學主辦)的全美大學生職業拉丁舞比賽表演嘉賓,精彩的表演,征服了全場觀眾。之后移民美国 深造学习比赛!
2004成立纽约茹宝舞蹈艺术学院。            將舞蹈艺术深入社区推广和发展。并積極推廣的發展中美国標舞蹈艺术交流和發展 ,
2007年茹寶和搭檔Kristina創作並首演芭蕾與拉丁舞融合的 《瑪格瑞特》,受到美國和國際舞蹈界的讚賞,並在世界和中國巡演 ,在開啟了在美國 為「舞」獻身的新篇章
2006-2018 创立主办“世界冠軍賀新年 -紐約中國人新年舞會”
2015 成立 NYCMDF (紐約多文化舞蹈音樂節  )力求藝術音樂舞蹈推動中國文化在美國的溶合和發展
2016-成立創辦 “紐約舞蹈大賽 ”
并先后2016-2017 成功创办5场舞蹈赛事,團結個族裔 积极推动传播中国文化舞蹈在美国的发展。

资深舞蹈家 ;毕业北京舞蹈学院
后留学英国获英国教师协会IDTA UKA fellowship.高级院士 教师
中国舞蹈奖项“荷花奖”金奖 获得者
首届中央电视台CCTV 舞蹈大赛拉丁舞金奖 东南亚拉丁舞冠军。
美國邁阿密USDC pro/am 拉丁舞亞軍。
Tri-State Dance Sport Championships第1名; Empire State Dance SportChampionshipsPm第1名;

一九九四年,茹宝从北京舞蹈学院毕业,分配到中国北京歌舞团,同时受聘任教于北京舞蹈学院教师和北京大学、清华大学国标舞蹈教师。 一九九七年,茹宝连续代表中国首批赴英国《黑池》参加舞蹈大赛,成为中国人在国际拉丁舞的前卫潮流代表者 2000年. 茹寶作為美國哈佛大學舉辦的全美大學生職業拉丁舞比賽表演嘉賓,征服了全場觀眾。并多次應聘擔任中美艺术大學拉丁舞客座教师。 2007年茹寶和搭檔Kristina創作並首演芭蕾與拉丁舞融合的 《瑪格瑞特》,受到美國業界讚賞,開啟了在美國 為「舞」獻身的新篇章 主要获奖项证书: 中国职业拉丁舞冠军” 中国首位舞蹈最高奖项“荷花奖”金奖 获得者 中国JVC大赛总决赛冠军 首届中央电视台CCTV 舞蹈大赛拉丁舞金奖 东南亚拉丁舞冠军。 中国舞蹈家协会会员,评审 英国IDTA高级院士 教师 美国舞蹈家协会会员,评审 美國邁阿密國際拉丁舞大賽PM第2名; 美國西雅圖國際職業拉丁舞大賽第1名 美國費城拉丁舞大賽第2名; Tri-State Dance Sport ChampionshipsPm第1名; Empire State Dance Sport ChampionshipsPm第1名; 美國Stardust Ball職業拉丁舞第3名。-1994 Graduated from Beijing National Dance School and started dancing in the Beijing Song & Dance Troup. At the same time, Mr. Ru taught International Ballroom and Latin dance in Beijing Dance Academy University and Qinghua University. -1997 Representing China, Mr. Ru went to Blackpool, England for International Ballroom and Latin Dance competition. He became a leader in International Latin dance in China. -2000 Mr. Ru was well-recognized in Harvard University’s American University Latin Competition. In the same year Ru was invited to give multiple workshops on Chinese and American arts and culture. -2007 Mr. Ru and partner Kristina  performed a ballet and Latin duet Margaret, starting a dancing in the United States. Main awards and accreditation: -China’s Professional Latin Dance Champion -China’s first “Lotus” Gold Award recipient -China’s JVC Competition Finalist Winner -The First CCTV Dance Competition Latin Dance Gold Award recipient -Southeast Asian Professional Latin Dance Champion -Chinese Dancers’ Association  -Britain’s International Dance Teacher Association Teacher -United States Dancers’ Association  -Miami International Latin Dance Championship Pro Pm Second Place -Seattle International Professional Latin Dance Championship First Place – -Tri-State Dance Sport Championship ProPm First Place -Empire State Dance Sport Championship Pro Pm First Place -The United States Stardust Ball Professional Latin Dance Third Place

IDTA Teacher of Dancing qualification

U.K. Alliance Professional Teachers of Dancing diploma

Lotus” Award in Latin Dance

2006 U.S Dance Sport Championship

2008 U.S. National Pro/Am International Latin Dance Championship

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U.S. Congress recognition of Rudanceny’s dance instruction curriculum

New York Community Times Outstanding Dance Education Award

Paul & Lulu performance at World’s Fair Salsa Congress

Paul & Lulu performance at New York Couture Fashion Week 2015

Paul & Kristina  芭蕾與拉丁舞融合的《瑪格瑞特》

美國邁阿密國際拉丁舞大賽PM第2名; Paul

Paulru at Blackepool 2005

— at Winter Gardens Blackpool.Paul&lulu Performance at Resorts World Casino New York City Paul&lulu Performance at  Queens Theatre Gala 2013

Paul&Lulu Performance at  2015  New York cultural fashion week show performance